What is March For Life Malta?
March for Life Malta is a pro-life organisation which incorporates an annual events as well as a continuous mission comprising of three key aims
Our Aims

Raising Awareness
To raise awareness of the hurt and damage that abortion causes and promote the value of every human life from the first moment of conception.

Fostering Community
To foster a sense of community within the pro-life movement so that we can come together as one united voice.

Inspiring People
To enthuse, educate and inspire people to become pro-life not just in name but in their actions and so march for life daily.
How can You contribute
To be able to host the march for life, we always need help from each individual. This is not the foundation’s mission but our mission.
You can be part of this cause by simply showing up to the march for life and being a voice for the voiceless.
However, if you wish to help us prior to the march, we are looking for volounteers to help us spread the word.
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Support the CAuse
All of this work requires funding, March for Life Malta is operated by Life Network Foundation. The foundation aims to bring awareness to the community and creates a safe space to celebrate life every year. Please support us in raising awareness and for people to seek the truth about abortion and let’s keep our country pro-life and leave the please donate